What are the differences between fluorometers and spectrofluorometers?

There are two general instruments to measure fluorescence, which are fluorometers and spectrofluorometers, in this article we will focus on the differences between the two equipment.

Fluorescence can be defined as a type of luminescence occurring in gaseous, liquid, or solid substances that are capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation (for example, light), and emitting some of that energy as radiation of a different wavelength than that absorbed.

What is a fluorometer?

A fluorometer is an instrument that uses optical filters to isolate incident light and fluorescent light, and measures the sample’s ability to absorb light at a wavelength and emit light at a longer wavelength.

In these equipment, a light source emits light of an excitation wavelength for the compound to be measured or analyzed. The excitation of the compound to be analyzed is produced by the use of optical filters, these work blocking other wavelengths and transmits the appropriate wavelength to produce excitation of the compound. Light generated by the radiation source passes through the sample to be measured, and a certain amount of wavelength is absorbed, while it is then emitted at a higher wavelength. This light that is emitted is measured by a detector.

Fluorometers are highly sensitive, and the optical filters used by them are generally inexpensive and easy to change. This makes fluorometers widely used in scientific and experimental research, and for academic purposes.

What is a Spectroflurometer?

Spectrofluorometers are equipment used to analyze the fluorescence of a sample. They use diffraction reticulum monochromators to isolate incident light and fluorescent light. They typically use excitation monochromators, which include a wavelength dispersion, and an emission monochromator.

These equipment have four main components: a radiation source (Xenon lamp or laser), an excitation monochromator (responsible for selecting the appropriate wavelength for the excitation of the sample), an emission monochromator (which analyzes the emissions produced by the fluorescence emitted by the sample) and a photodetector which receives the light waves and transforms them into a measurable unit proportional to the intensity of the light it received.

Among the advantages of a spectrofluorometer is that p they allow selection of a variable wavelength but are much more expensive than fluorometers and can provide only moderate sensitivity and specificity.

Spectrofluorometers are used in reaction kinetics research, investigation of photochemistry of biological systems, water quality, wine quality control, study of luminescence and photoluminescence.

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