
The importance of the autoclave in a hospital

An autoclave is a device used to sterilize medical or laboratory material, using steam at high pressure and temperature for it. The use of an autoclave eliminates viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores.

The main objective of a hospital or a clinic is quality healthcare for the population that comes in search of solutions to their health problems. Sterilization and disinfection of hospital items are support processes, and their importance derives from the fact that it is related to protecting users from infections.Every hospital must have a sterilization system where everyone is washed, disinfected and sterilized the elements necessary for patient care.

What should you keep in mind around the autoclave?

The autoclave, thanks to its design (horizontal or vertical), allows the sterilization process to be carried out with high pressure and steam, killing any microorganism, including dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as all their forms of spores. The use of a pressure steam autoclave is one of the best known and most effective sterilization methods. Sterilization is defined as the process of destroying all forms of microorganisms, including spores.

A tool that is sterile, that is, one that has undergone a sterilization process, is completely safe for the human body. For sterilization to be effective, the material must be properly prepared, the process itself must be performed correctly, and the tools after sterilization must be properly stored. The equipment used must first undergo preliminary disinfection, washed under running water or in a washing machine, dried, and then packed in packaging intended for sterilization. Proper sterilization must not damage or change the properties of sterilized instruments.

Effective use of the autoclaves

An autoclave is basically made up of a rigid and hermetic chamber that includes a door with safety devices to allow the objects to be sterilized to be inserted. This chamber has installed devices for measuring pressure and temperature and heating elements to keep it warm.

The most effective method of sterilization consists of the application of moist or dry heat. Steam at 121 ° C (250 ° F) under pressure. Autoclaving is the most convenient method for fast and efficient sterilization.

Autoclaves must be controlled to ensure that the methods used achieve sterilization of the materials. There are chemical and biological control methods. The chemicals are used daily as a routine control, although they are not considered definitive proof.

Controlling an autoclave with a biological indicator is the most widely accepted test method today. It is done with spores, commonly the Stearothermophilus bacillus, which can survive up to 13 minutes at a temperature of 121 ° C (250 ° F). These microorganisms are the most resistant to temperature and thus provide an adequate margin of safety when validating sterilization procedures.

At Kalstein we offer you a wide variety of steam sterilizers that meet the sterilization needs of the hospital. We offer you several lines (horizontal and vertical) of autoclaves that vary in size and application. That is why we invite you to take a look HERE