What is Preventive Maintenance of the Freezer Dryer?

Preventive maintenance programs preserve and extend the life of any equipment. Professionals who perform this type of operations are responsible for avoiding any errors or any failures during the work processes and increase the costs in replacing unnecessary parts.

The technology allows customers to have a much more accurate idea of the actual state of overall efficiency of the machinery. Currently, most maintenance is preventive but not predictive. Even when monitoring systems are run on computers, they can prevent damage before it happens, saving the user time and money. This enables early measurements based on trends and expert analysis.

At Kalstein we focus on meeting the needs of our customers, and we have staff trained to respond to any anomalies that our team may present. However, we can recommend certain measures to prevent our innovative food freeze drying machine from breaking into any of your activities.

Preventive Maintenance

Maintenance programs ensure the resource with intelligent, less expensive guidance, providing full controls over each cycle to balance and anticipate required maintenance activities in advance. Such as:

  • Improved classification of maintenance intervals.
  • Recording the conditions under which the computer is located.
  • Reduced unscheduled downtime.
  • Optimized Equipment Warranty.
  • Regular inspections.
  • Cleaning based on time and circumstances.
  • Calibration.
  • Spare parts planning for maintenance.

And it not only saves time and money, because thanks to advanced new technologies, maintenance designs meet cutting-edge hygienic measures. Despite the many challenges we’ve currently faced with COVID-19, frozen food dryers are easy to clean. Some elements that detect this saving of time are the smooth surfaces of the equipment, the structure of stainless steel, and with all the connections, where it is difficult to carry out the cleaning, is where the emphasis must be made on the hygienic surface and of mechanisms to avoid future complications. As well as, all the units and structure inside the equipment.

Consequences of poor maintenance

The work of the dryer by long-term freezing, will bring deterioration and wear, in addition to dust to accessories and other degenerations that wrap the impact of the work of the team. When the evaporator in the dryer and condenser affects the emission of cold air, causing the cooling effect to decrease its power.

Using computers for a long time is time consuming. Bacteria on the freezer dryer will be injected directly into the room spaces. After using the equipment, the cleaning processes must be carried out immediately, otherwise the amounts of mites, pollen, fungi, lice, that will be absorbed in the suction nets will multiply. When the dryer is reused by freezing, it can expel pathogens, viruses, molds, and dust, causing large-scale respiratory infections.

For the above mentioned reasons, the methods of cleaning and preventive maintenance must be met to completely eliminate germs inside and outside the equipment, where professional technicians meet the special solutions for the equipment.

Kalstein brand food freeze dryer

At Kalstein we offer you the best laboratory equipment on the market to meet the demands of our customers. We have the state-of-the-art Frozen Food Dryer. Our design and processing team produces a wide range of energy-efficient food freezing systems. Based on the processing of frozen food as a raw material for the different industrial sectors, pharmaceuticals, medical treatments, and the industry of products for health care. Our technology of freeze drying, applies to process any type of freeze-dried food, in addition to almost all products of the agricultural and secondary sector, such as meats, eggs, fruits, aquatic products, vegetables, grains, poultry, etc. For more information, we at Kalstein can offer you ideal material, and for this we invite you to review our catalog HERE We are manufacturers and we have the best advice, so that your purchase is ideal and at favorable prices.