How To Choose The Correct Equipment For My Clinical Laboratory?

The passage of time has brought greater advances in the measurement equipment used in the laboratory, as well as a high level of sophistication, in terms of automation or field of vision, but, for a qualified operator or analyst, its management is not it implies greater difficulties. It can cover all the needs of laboratories at all levels of a health network; however, the acquisition process must be very meticulous and the equipment must be studied, so that it can be determined if they are viable for the required purposes.

In order to adequately and optimally evaluate the laboratory equipment, you need to be very well informed about the technical and safety features of the available technologies, as well as their initial cost, maintenance processes, consumption of reagents, expendable material, technical support of the manufacturer, repair, training and guarantee of supplies. Once you have all this information, the selection is made based on some criteria.

Should consider:

  • The cost-effectiveness factor, since the investment must correspond to the utility of the equipment.
  • Safety, because it must comply with the necessary requirements and, if it produces hazardous waste, its disposal must be foreseen.
  • Adjustment to work needs, because what the team does must be linked with the workload in the laboratory.
  • Staff training and consumption of time worked.
  • Requirements for space, temperature, humidity, light, water supply, electricity and vacuum.
  • Consumption of reagents, calibrators, cleaning solutions, electrodes and disposable material.

As a main feature, the laboratory equipment must meet practicality, ease of use and high precision; Therefore, choosing the right one can be an arduous task, although, if they have clarity in what they need and choose devices that adapt to the regulations and have international certifications, they can be sure that the results they show during their use will be 100 reliable percent. The following should also be taken into account:

  • The skill levels of the specialists who use the laboratory equipment before making an important purchase should be seriously considered. Will the end users require additional training on how to operate the equipment correctly or on how to optimize the results? Is training provided in the supplier company? And if so, at what cost? Will the end users have unlimited access to the reports on use, maintenance and performance of suppliers and those reports will be provided at no cost? These are important issues that should not be overlooked when purchasing new equipment for your laboratory.
  • Another determining factor when considering the purchase of new laboratory equipment is the use. How often and in what environment will the equipment be used? The circumstances in which the equipment will be used will help determine the list of product characteristics needed to do the job well and in a timely manner.
  • Being respectful with the environment is something important. The selection of ecological laboratory equipment is limited and the available features of the product may or may not meet the needs of your wish list. However, it is suggested to acquire this type of equipment as far as possible, in order to create an ecological and respectful awareness of the environment in the laboratory.

In the end, taking the above criteria very seriously will help you determine which brand, model and product characteristics match your needs, which will be reflected throughout your laboratory, both in the users and in the procedures carried out in it. . It is important to act prudently and diligently when making such a significant purchase, so do not rush the process. By being meticulous and acting properly, you can make the most beneficial purchase for everyone involved.

At Kalstein we provide laboratory equipment of the highest quality and with the best technology. That’s why we invite you to consult our product catalog HERE