Benefits of the Microscope for Ebola Virus Detection

The Ebola virus, a type of virus belonging to the Filoviridae family, was first detected in Africa, in fact, its name comes from the Ebola river, located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it was discovered in 1976, the same date for which an epidemic occurred with a high mortality rate. Because of this outbreak, the area was declared a state of health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization. Ebola disease is characterized by a hemorrhagic fever, which is a fever that is involved in blood clotting. This disease is transmitted to humans by wild animals and can easily spread from person to person.

Disease detection can only be done in symptomatic patients, it should never be done in patients who show no signs of disease. Once spread occurs, the disease peaks around 6 days, but it may be detectable up to 15 days. The main diagnosis is made by PCR tests, however, the electron microscope plays a crucial role in its study.

Benefits of the Invention of Microscopes in the Study of Viruses such as Ebola

Since its invention in the sixteenth century, the microscope has been an indispensable tool for science, since with it, humans have been able to observe the microscopic world on a large scale, something that at first glance could never have done. Without the invention of the microscope, not all of today’s medical breakthroughs and advances would be possible. With the passage of centuries and the technological advances applied to this team, it has managed to become a strong ally in biomedicine. Through this study, it has been possible to know and understand cellular, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of different diseases that affect humans.

The invention of the electron microscope, unlike conventional optical microscopy, has been crucial in the study of viruses such as Ebola, because it allows smaller structures to be seen. The resolving power of an optical microscope is 0.2 µm and the size of a virus is between 20-200 nanometers, so it would be impossible to appreciate its structure in a conventional one. With the appearance of the electron microscope in 1933 it was possible to know the structure of the viruses and to make advances in relation to this field.

Electron microscope operation

The electron microscope, a large scientific equipment, weighs about a ton and a column measuring about 1.5 meters. It uses high voltage to generate a beam of electrons at high speed, in a high vacuum system, which, when impacting one side of the sample, generate an image by the opposite side. With electron microscopes, it is possible to have an increase of up to 1,000,000x, with which, in addition to being able to see viruses, you can see chromosomes, DNA molecules and even atoms.  So, an electron microscope is composed of a column, a high-vacuum system, power currents, a cooling system and a system in charge of recording the image.

The electron microscope is very important in the fields of biology and medicine, thanks to this it is possible to study at a structural level, different types of biological material, such as cells and tissues, both animals and plants, as well as smaller infectious agents, such as viruses. For this reason, they are a team that must be present in laboratories where such research is done.

Kalstein-branded microscopes

Kalstein is a leading company in clinical and laboratory equipment, we are MANUFACTURERS of a wide variety of microscopes ideal to equip your workspace, our equipment ranges from stereoscopic microscopes, biological microscopes, metallurgical microscopes, binonucular and trinocular microscopes, inverted microscopes and polarization microscopes, among others. Our microscope for biological samples YR models is characterized by: HERE

  • Large operation space with nozzle back.
  • Easier comparison test with large double layer mechanical stage.
  • More comfortable operation with AC and FA low position knob, low stage control and narrow base.

In addition to the excellent technology of our equipment, they also have the best PRICES in the market, so you will not regret your PURCHASE. To view our microscope catalog go to HERE