Laboratory rotavaporator, what are its applications

It is a necessary equipment to separate a solvent from asample, through distillation, and then recondense them to separate basic components from each other; this rotary distillation instrument associated with a water bath performs fractional distillations, it is mainly used to separate by means of evaporation at reduced and soft pressure the solvent that accompanies the solute of interest.

It is very useful in chemical laboratories and chemical research, they are also used in molecular cooking for the preparation of distillates and extracts; although they can use other equipment the fastest and most convenient method is the use of the rotavapor for distillation at reduced pressure; it is a closed system connected to a vacuum intake.

Characteristics of the laboratory rotavaporator

  • Evaporates substances through the distillation process.
  • It consists of a unit of rotation and elevation movement.
  • Normally it is a thermoregulatory bath.
  • Bring liquids to a boil at a lower temperature than normal and under very controlled conditions.
  • It is most often and conveniently applied to separate low-boiling solvents.

Structure of a Rotavaporador

  • Around flask for the collection of distilledmaterial.
  • Avacuum equipment to reduce internal pressure.
  • A spiralcondensation column.
  • Aheight-adjustable column with an adjustable heating plate.
  • Asecond round flask for evaporation.
  • Pedestal for the variable rotation motor.

Advantages in the use of a Rotavaporador

  • It allows the formation of a thin particle of hot solvent that extends over a large surface.
  • They allow a fast and smooth vaporization of the solvents of most samples.
  • The forces created suppress the blows.
  • They can also be equipped with other special traps and capacitor assemblies that are better suited to difficult sample types.

Rotavaporador Applications

  • Separation and purification of solutes.
  • Fractional distillations of solvent mixtures.
  • Quantification of solid-liquid or liquid-liquid mixtures.
  • Organic synthesis.
  • Evaporation of solvents.
  • Extract the aromas of practically any substance.
  • Boiling of liquids.
  • It is used in chemical, pharmaceutical and food preparation industries.
  • Biological engineering.
  • Used in the manufacture and analysis of experiments to concentrate, dry and recycle.
  • Used by laboratories, hospitals.


  1. Rotary Evaporator YR02306: used in experiments of evaporation, distillation or separation of chemical products.
  2. Rotary Evaporator YR02307/ YR02310: used for pilot large-scale production in biological engineering, pharmaceuticals, chemistry and food processing.

General procedure of the Rotavaporador

  1. Pre-weigh a round-bottom balloon and fill it halfway with the sample to be evaporated.
  2. Connect the flask to the evaporator pumping trap.
  3. Keep the pumping trap clean.
  4. Use the rotavapor knob to lower the ball into water so that the ball is partially submerged.
  5. Turn on the vacuum source which can be a water vacuum cleaner or a vacuum pump.
  6. A sound of air should be heard filtering through the stopcock.
  7. Rotate the ball at an average speed by adjusting the rotation notch.
  8. Close the evaporator stopcock by turning it perpendicular to the purge valve.
  9. The sound of the whistler must cease, and the pressure inside the rotavapor will decrease.
  10. Let the solution evaporate; or continue until you get a particle; this procedure will depend on the sample or the expected compound.

To stop evaporation, reverse the aforementioned steps

If you want to know in depth the characteristics and advantages of each of these instruments, which as a manufacturer of laboratory equipment we offer you only have to visit us at the following link: Kalstein and you can clarify all possible doubts when acquiring a Rotavaporador; our HERE we will offer you the best advice regarding not only what equipment you need but the best online purchase and sales offers that  you can find it internationally.