Hematology Reagents YRA15 // YRA17

Manufacturer: Kalstein


Hematology reagents are indispensable in the use of hematology analyzer. Hematology reagents include hemolytic agents, diluents, cleaning solutions and concentrated cleaning solutions. Among them, hemolytic agent is used to destroy RBC, ensure WBC count, perform WBC classification and HGB detection; diluent is used to maintain the volume and shape of cells, and form a conductive environment; cleaning solution and concentrated cleaning solution are used for maintenance of pipes, needles, and counting pools And maintenance.

Kalstein offers a complete range of hematology reagents such as Diluent, lysing reagents and cleaners for the majority of hematology analyzers on the market including 3-part differential and 5-part differential models.

Technical Description:
Model Item YRA15 YRA16 YRA17
Start up(ml) 18 15 4
Shut down(ml) 18 0
Per Test (ml) 35 10 0,6
Daily Sample 60
Total Test Quantity per Year 21900
Days 365
Start up and shutdown consumption per year 13140 5475 1460
Test Consumption 766500 219000 13140
Reagent package needed per year 39 44,9 29,2
Aditional Information Diluent 20L Cleaner 5L Lyse 500mL
Note: Probe cleaner is used as maintenance reagent. The total consumption should be estimated

Additional information

Weight - kg
Dimensions - × - × - cm

YRA15, YRA16, YRA17

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