Use of Nitrogen Tanks for the Dermatological Sector

The liquid nitrogen or LN 2 In addition, it is used in dermatological treatments in therapies known as cryotherapy. The term comes from the Greek word “kryo”, meaning “cold”, so cryotherapy refers to a cold medical treatment, and belongs to the so-called thermotherapies, which have been used by people since antiquity. Dermatologists have applied such therapies since before 1900.

Cryotherapy is a relatively easy procedure to learn and to apply and is characterized by an extremely low complication rate. Generally very good cosmetic and functional results are also obtained. However, as with all other invasive treatment methods, a good knowledge of their function and methodical management, as well as an accurate indication, is a prerequisite for good results.

What are the applications of the LN? 2 in the medicine?

One of the applications that cold has in medicine are called cryosurgeries. The first one was made in 1961 by Dr. I. Cooper using a closed system to manipulate the LN2, to perform a neurological intervention. Then it was shown that the same equipment could be used for skin surgeries, with a greater temperature-skin control. Cryosurgery has been applied by dermatologists for more than 50 years and provides an effective, painless environment with few side effects on the skin where it is applied.

What are the uses of LN therapies? 2 in dermatology?

Cryotherapy using LN2 application is the controlled use of cold to kill cells for therapeutic purposes. Today, this method can be considered established alongside other methods of operative dermatology such as classical scalpel surgery, dermabrasion, high-frequency electrosurgery, radiation, and lastly, laser therapy, and has proven to be a valuable adjunct to dermotherapy. From the investigation of the physical and biological effects of cold on tissues, have been developed various methods of application and control of cryotherapy, which are used depending on the skin lesions to be treated. The latter are essentially divided into four broad groups of indications:

  • Treatment of malignant and semi-malignant skin tumors
  • Treatment of benign and precancerous superficial (intraepithelial) skin changes
  • Treatment of inflammatory and infectious skin diseases
  • Treatment of scars and keloids.

What skin conditions can be treated with LN2?

The uses of LN2 are determined by the properties of this element; it is abundant in the atmosphere, it is inert, has a low boiling point, and is additionally cheaper than other gases that are used for the same purposes, such as argon. Thus, many offices can have liquid nitrogen in special tanks to store for use.

In that sense, the application of LN 2 the affected area of the skin can be done in several ways. One of the simplest methods used for applying cold, was to immerse small cylindrical disks of copper in liquid nitrogen and then place them on the skin; however, it is a method where there is no precise control of temperature. Other techniques, which use special equipment to apply cold with nitrogen, include criospray (spraying nitrogen as an aerosol) and cryoderm. Cryotherapies using LN 2 they allow the treatment of conditions such as:

  • Warts Vulgaris Flat Warts Plantar Warts
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Nevus Aracneus, Nevus Verrucosus and Angiomas in Strawberry (small size)
  • Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helix
  • Dermatofibromas
  • Larva Migrans
  • Xanthoma Eyelid
  • Hypertrophic scars of Acne and some active lesions of Acne
  • Keloids
  • Keratoacanthoma
  • Seborrheic Actinic Keratoses
  • Basal Cell Epithelioma (Superficial)

Why should the dermatological sector have Kalstein nitrogen tanks?

Kalstein equipment manufacturer has within its catalog of products, instruments of the highest quality directed to the field of medicine. And, thinking of dermatologists, it makes available to them nitrogen tanks as a support for the storage and transport of LN 2 , an essential element for cryotherapy applied by these professionals. The available models of nitrogen tanks can be found in the following link HERE , and has among other technical characteristics:

  • Made of highly resistant material such as aluminum and steel
  • Tanks of small, medium and large capacity are available
  • Very low evaporative losses
  • The design of the tank makes it easier to manipulate the nitrogen

On the manufacturer’s homepage HERE , other instruments can also be located, in addition to that you can check prices, purchase or request additional information in case of doubt.