Diagnosis of Cancer in Women with the Microplate Reader

The microplate reader is a laboratory equipment developed for the quantification of proteins and nucleic acids through cell images. It is based on filtration of proteins deposited in wells of a plastic plate adjusted to aid in absorption and bind antibodies.

In this case, the microplate reader is one of the methods applied to diagnose cancer, which begins with the blood sample and is based on the determined interaction between antigens and antibodies, where the discovery is executed by substances and enzymatic reactions.

And Kalstein has the ideal equipment, because thanks to its functions he performs the studies with the Elisa technique, where the microplate reader uses the antibodies and measures the amount of the substance in serum where an enzymatic reaction occurs that changes color and records the results. This equipment is especially used to detect viral diseases. Thanks to fluorescence measurements, it detects absorbance, luminescence in a specialized way such as time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) and fluorescence polarization (PF).

Determination of Tumor Markers. Elisa technique

  • The sample should be removed by vein and placed in a tube without any additive or coagulant content.
  • The blood must clot.
  • Centrifuge the samples at 1200 rpm for 10mn.
  • Using a pipette, transfer the centrifuged serum into prepared or coded tubes.
  • Separate the serum samples into a stand.
  • Store samples in refrigerators at room temperature.
  • Have the washing solutions ready before use, diluting distilled water with amounts of 1000 mL, then calibrate and obtain the check curve.
  • Place samples in the microplate wells.
  • Incubate for 1 hour at room temperature.
  • Remove the reaction mixture
  • Incubate for 15 min at room temperature protected from light.
  • Place the sample in the microplate wells
  • Shake the microplate very carefully
  • Finally, read the absorbance at 450 nm versus white within 5 mn.

In this way, the frequency of risk factors and tumor marker are obtained.

Kalstein Brand Microplate Reader

At Kalstein we are manufacturers and pioneers in technological applications designed for our Microplate Readers, which we offer to our customers. They belong to the YR series, it has a reading range of 0.000-4.000 Abs. 405nm, 492nm, 630nm wavelength. They provide connectivity and intelligence.

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